Martin Puppe

Fundstücke 35/2015

Der Roman ist 1973 erschienen, also bin ich mit meiner Empfehlung etwas spät dran. Das Buch hat aber nichts von seiner Aktualität verloren, eher im Gegenteil. Man findet das Werk zwar meist in der Kinder- und Jugendbuchabteilung, aber gerade auch für Erwachsene gibt es hier viele Denkanstöße. Was ist Zeit und wie gehen wir damit um?

Fundstücke 33/2015

With Windows 10, Microsoft sells you out
“[…] your interest in how your computer works and Microsoft’s interest are no longer aligned. While you will want your computer to do things quickly and efficiently and unobtrusively, Microsoft will want it to do those things slowly and clunkily and painfully; because every delay, every useless dialog box you have to click through, is another opportunity for them to show you an ad. And while you will want your computer to keep your secrets secret, you won’t be able to trust Microsoft to want the same thing anymore, because suddenly all those secrets are worth money to them. They can use them to match you up even more exquisitely with advertisers, who have become Microsoft’s real customers for Windows.”